It is time once again to reimagine the future while fully embracing the transformative nature of digital technologies and successfully amalgamating it with the passion of humans. The best way to predict the future is to create it, or rather co-create it together and collectively. And maybe that is the heritage we are destined to shape.
Share the Innovations and Initiatives that have set Trends and Benchmarks.Publish your Thought Leadership with Shared Services Forum (SSF) India.
Essentially the term BPM means the activity of managing task(s) and processes pertaining to the execution of any business.
Innovating to Excel - Co-Creating Value by Business Process Transformation
For Effective Employee Engagement Resulting in Enhanced Performance
Moving from Business Services Management (BPM) to Enterprise Service Management (ESM) with CENTUM
Business Services at Cross Roads - The Big Shift fromITeS (Technology Enabled) to ITiS (Technology Integrated)
3 ‘I’ Framework for Competitive Edge - A Useful Capability Framework for HR Transformation
Moving Towards Continuous Value Delivery Through Process Maturity - An Innovative Model designed By Practitioners For Practitioners
Future Ready, Not Future Shock - The Agenda for GBS Centres to ‘get set’ for Future Readiness
The world is getting more complex by each passing day. Running businesses or independent business units was once an art – only those who ‘had’ it could do it.
Most organizations globally face pressures to gain and retain competitive advantage by identifying cost cutting opportunities, improving quality, reducing turnaround time and enhancing customer experience.
Few decades ago, by evolving and adapting to a collaborative supply chain, the Manufacturing Industry transformed itself and created strategically differentiated business models.
In the modern world of acute competition, a typical paradox is that no two products in the market are exactly the same and yet they are all the same.
Business will change in the next 10 years much more than the past two decades, and humanity will change in the next 20 years more than in all of human history.
“When the digital transformation is done right, it’s like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly,but when done wrong, all you have is a really fast caterpillar.”
The Business Services Technology organizations in Global India are at an ‘inflection point’ of a significant growth opportunity as digital technologies replace the traditional technologies.
“You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology, not the other way around.”
Rethinking Mind-Sets and Embedding Change Principles Into the Business Ethos to Thrive in Turbulent Times.
It is about achieving excellence in everything that an organization does including leadership, strategy, customer focus, information management, people and processes.
Even after the advent of Information Technology, organization structures continue to be Function based – Sales, Production, Finance, Supply Chain or HR etc.
Globally, there are many models to capture, compare and classify the strengths of global BPO Players in verticals and functional processes.
Process Edge – August 2018
Process Edge – March 2018
Process Edge – November 2017
Process Edge – March 2017
Process Edge – May 2016
Process Edge – February 2016
Process Edge – March 2015
Process Edge – November 2014